We were delighted to open up the pages of Harpenden Town Council's Quarterly Newsletter that goes to all households in town and see The Harpenden Guide being promoted by the Town Council!
It's so good to see our community initiative continuing to grow and be adopted by more and more local people. As a local family, our goal was always to provide a great free resource for our local community and to help support local businesses too so it's great to see the Town Council continuing to get behind this as well.
We have so much happening in our wonderful town and being able to provide a 'pocket guide to Harpenden' via this free mobile app is something that we will be continuing to champion and grow over the coming months.
Please remember that all lcoal community organisations can advertise on the App free-of-charge and promote their local events too. Local businesses can have a unique business listing for a small free and the people of Harpenden can download the App free-of-charge from the iOS and Android App stores to keep up to date.
Thanks to you all for your continued support - please do continue to help us spread the word.
The Harpenden Guide Community App is a free local resource and can be downloaded from the Android and iOS App Stores. If you've not yet got the app downloaded on your device (it's free!) then you can get it here...