Despite the cold and flutters of snow, we've been out and about this weekend promoting The Harpenden Guide
in and around Cross Farm and Southdown.
If you live in that area then you'll have received one of our promotional postcards with a few more details encouraging you to download this exciting new community app.
If you've received your card please do shar the news with local family and friends. Over 500 people now have downloaded the app and the feedback has been superb.
Not only have we received great feedback we've also had some great suggestions for new features too so we'll be reviewing all these and adding details over the coming weeks and months. And with over 500 downloads already The Harpenden Guide
is clearly having a great impact locally!
It's been a great start and we remain committed to supporting local businesses and making The Harpenden Guide
the 'go to resource' for local people to keep them up-to-date with all things Harpenden.
If you see us out and about on our travels please do say hi!