Who doesn't love a nice colourful flowerbed to brighten up the place?
Well here at The Harpenden Guide
we love to see a splash of colour to brighten the place up with some flowers that's why we're delighted to be sponsoring one of the flower beds in Harpenden this year as part of the 'Harpenden in Bloom' initiative.
The sign has now gone up and we're just waiting for the bed to be planted with some lovely flowers (anyday soon) to help bring some colour to the area as people stroll through the town. As soon the bed has been planted out we'll post some pictures but needless to say we're looking forward to seeing the area come to life shortly.
If you're walking past W H Smiths in the town, our flower bed is just on the end by the path so do take a moment to stop and enjoy the sights and smells as part of this fabulous initiative to brighten up the town.
We love supporting our local community and if in return a few more people benefit from seeing details about The Harpenden Guide
that's a good thing all round.
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